Aenean hendrerit dui enim, id sagittis!

Praesent nec orci consequat, fermentum dolor vel
amet dolor non turpis dictum fermentum

John Miller
Praesent consequat mollis mi ac luctus. Nullam turpis nisl, sagittis id tempor eget, lacinia sit amet augue.

John Miller

Mark Chapman
Aenean vel leo a risus imperdiet bibendum sit amet id risus. Integer luctus tempus purus, vitae eleifend justo volutpat ac. Integer sollicitudin porttitor nibh eu pulvinar. Etiam convallis dignissim ante, feugiat laoreet massa egestas et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent consequat mollis mi ac luctus. Nullam turpis nisl, sagittis id tempor eget, lacinia sit amet augue.

Mark Chapman

Miki Williams
Etiam convallis dignissim ante, feugiat laoreet massa egestas et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent consequat mollis mi ac luctus. Nullam turpis nisl, sagittis id tempor eget, lacinia sit amet augue.

Miki Williams


Loving God. Loving People.

God is good and His timing is perfect!
Family Church is about chasing dreams, desperation for hope in a higher cause, and longing for meaningful relationships with one another. It is about ‘welcoming home’ the lost, the broken, the hurting, and the lonely. It’s about connecting families and building purpose and value into everyone of us. Be blessed!
Michael & Laura




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Life Groups are small groups of 8-15 people from Elim International Church & Community. Find out more »

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